Expo 2100

Home and City in the Future

EXPO2100 opens six windows into future living. The exhibition, based on research conducted by the Nordic Works Collective, can be visited at various locations around the Nordic countries over the course of the year. Next, our exhibition opens in Stockholm, October 4th 2024!


The six visions presented in EXPO2100 examine the many dimensions of living, from communities to everyday objects. Instead of grim scenarios, the visions unfold in a future that is boldly positive: what if we can decide today what will become of tomorrow?


EXPO2100 seeks to evoke a broader and more optimistic discussion on future living than the one we have at present. The work of the Uusi Kaupunki collective is made possible with the support of the Asko Foundation. 


Six visions

A Recipe for Good Living

by VdV
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What components of habitation provide wellbeing, decrease loneliness, and facilitate worthwhile social interactions –– yet do so within the ecological carrying capacity? The recipe lists the crucial ingredients for good living in the future. 

Upclose and Local

by Avarrus
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Fundamental preconditions for life have changed from global to regional or local due to changes in the state of the environment and development in politics, economy and technology. Nature has merged together with urban surroundings to support the future lifestyle.

Renaissance of the Periphery

by AOR
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Rather than falling, population growth is on the rise, and the value of land is climbing up in new areas. The meeting points of urban and rural areas are fertile ground for new types of residential zones that can offer a community-forward, self-sufficient living environment with ecological values. The silence of today will transform into tomorrow’s vitality.

The next Building Act

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In 2100, buildings can no longer be demolished. Deposit charges for residential buildings serve to direct material flows. The repurposing of buildings is made possible through urban everyone’s rights, along with dynamic city planning systems. Quality and additional value are born from local solutions. The vision of JADA Architects presents future legislation composed of ten radical sections addressing construction and the environment that link together resources and social capital.

Lifestyle-driven Housing

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Lifestyles, living situations, and the concepts of family and household are diversifying. In the future, living solutions will be based on lifestyle rather than on the lives of the average person. The increase in diversity and conversion flexibility in the housing stock makes the city resilient, serving both individuals and community.

Infinite Loop

by Kaleidoscope & Tommila
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Waste is no more. Objects belong to organic systems that shape our living surroundings and its materials in endless circulation. Bacteria and other organisms with the ability to transform provide a framework for the everyday environment.

Listen to our podcast

We live in a time where we are bombarded daily by a stream of news that constantly provides us with new reasons to feel hopeless. In the midst of dystopian future visions, we may easily forget that the makings of tomorrow depend on our decisions today. What if the future is, in fact, a bright one? Do we dare to imagine a world 80 years from now in which opportunities abound? This is the starting point for the newest research initiative from award-winning Nordic Works Collective and you can now listen to the findings in our podcast.

Interviewing the offices behind EXPO2100

We live in a time where we are bombarded daily by a stream of news that constantly provides us with new reasons to feel hopeless. In the midst of dystopian future visions, we may easily forget that the makings of tomorrow depend on our decisions today. What if the future is, in fact, a bright one? Do we dare to imagine a world 80 years from now in which opportunities abound? This is the starting point for the newest research initiative from award-winning Nordic Works Collective and you can now listen to the findings in our podcast.

Avarrus, Kaleidoscope ja Arkkitehdit Tommila

Miltä vuoden 2100 koti näyttää? Sulautuuko tulevaisuudessa luonto osaksi kaupunkejamme ja kotejamme ja miltä tämä voisi näyttää? Avarruksen Niilo Ikonen ja Kaleidoscope ja Arkkitehdit Tommilan Miia-Liina Tommila avaavat yhdessä näkymiä vuoden 2100 koteihin ja kaupunkeihin materiaalin uusiokäytön ja kiertojärjestelmien näkökulmasta. Jaksoja juontaa Urban Practicen Katja Lindroos. Expo2100 -näyttely on nähtävillä Suomen Arkkitehtuurimuseossa 25.11.2022-2.4.2023. Tutustu Uusi Kaupunki -kollektiivin kuuden arkkitehtitoimiston vuoden 2100 tulevaisuusvisioihin osoitteessa:

JADA ja Virkkala de Vocht Arkkitehdit

Mitä jos vuonna 2100 rakennuksia ei voi enää purkaa? Millainen asuminen tuottaa asukkailleen hyvinvointia, vähentää yksinäisyyttä ja mahdollistaa mielekkään sosiaalisen vuorovaikutuksen? Miten tämä tehdään ympäristön kantokyvyn ehdoilla? VdV:n Inari Virkkala ja JADA:n Jussi Vuori avaavat hyvän asumisen reseptin ja seuraavan, radikaalin rakentamislain taustalla olevia ajatuksia ja taustatyötä. Jaksoja juontaa Urban Practicen Katja Lindroos. Expo2100 -näyttely on nähtävillä Suomen Arkkitehtuurimuseossa 25.11.2022-2.4.2023. Tutustu Uusi Kaupunki -kollektiivin kuuden arkkitehtitoimiston vuoden 2100 tulevaisuusvisioihin osoitteessa:

AOR Arkkitehdit ja MUUAN

Miten sosiaalinen elämä, omavaraisuus ja luonnonläheisyys näkyy vuoden 2100 asuinympäristöissä? Minkälaisia uudenlaisia asuinkeskittymiä voi syntyä kaupungin ja maaseudun rajapintaan? Miten tulevaisuuden elämäntyylit ja diversiteetti tulee muuttamaan asuinympäristöjämme? AOR:n Erkko Aarti ja MUUAN:in Tiina Antinoja keskustelevat miten seuraavan 80 vuoden aikana tapahuvat muutokset näkyvät suomalaisessa arkkitehtuurissa ja asumisessa. Jaksoja juontaa Urban Practicen Katja Lindroos. Expo2100 -näyttely on nähtävillä Suomen Arkkitehtuurimuseossa 25.11.2022-2.4.2023. Tutustu Uusi Kaupunki -kollektiivin kuuden arkkitehtitoimiston vuoden 2100 tulevaisuusvisioihin osoitteessa:

About us

The Nordic Works Collective is a collaborative group and venture of 10 architectural offices, known for being a pioneer of inclusive methods and a democratizer of urban planning. Founded in 2013, the collective has become known for numerous open workshops and events organized in different parts of Finland and Europe.

The website and graphic design for EXPO2100 have been created by digital design studio Px8. Written communications have been overseen by Urban Practice and each of the six videos for the visions have been produced by production company Brave Teddy.


Contact us

Contact us!

Nordic Works Collective

Miia-Liina Tommila / +358 503237534
Jussi Vuori / +358 503447026

Media enquiries:
Katja Lindroos / Urban Practice /
+358 503541411

Visit us!

New exhibition in Stockholm 4th – 8th October 2024.

KTH Architecture School

Osquars backe 5, 114 28 Stockholm, Sweden

